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Don't Hold Back Emptyby Hiromasa Mon Oct 06, 2014 5:17 pm

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Mei Uchiha

Lord Hiromasa
Naruto, Naruto Shippuden© Masashi Kishimoto

Naruto: Clan Wars© Eversoris

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 Don't Hold Back

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2 posters


Elements : Lightning, Wind, Magnetism

Don't Hold Back Empty
PostSubject: Don't Hold Back   Don't Hold Back EmptyFri Aug 15, 2014 6:10 pm

Low and behold, the furious power behind one man's madness. The full power of a madman is incomparable to the might of a group of bandits. Actually, comparing the two was exactly what Kuro was doing, if one could assume that comparing meant seeing how many he could kill before taking any damage. The answer? A lot. Actually, it was around eighty three, before they began to realize just how ridiculously powerful a clan leader was, and tried to flee. 

Of course he had essentially beaten the utter shit out of all of them, ripping off arms, breaking bones, and such, until they were all gone. By 'gone' I do not mean dead, but truly gone, with the bodies disintegrated from the sheer power behind his attacks, and the grinding of his black dust. Speaking of, his black dust was now wrapped around his body, in the form of under-armor, hidden under his clothing, though it was wrapped tightly enough to be at full power, it was also segmented so as not to lessen his movements or flexibility. 

As the case for this specific event was, Kuro had pursued a thief who had tried to steal from the Shikyo clan. The thief ran rather fast, and had not acquired anything, mostly because Kuro had cut the top mountain she was standing on in two. Naturally, she got the fuck out of there at the speed of a coward. Her fleeing path was far different than the path Kuro followed, but he never did have a good sense of direction. That is to say he went in the exact opposite direction as where she had. Fortunately, he would never see her again. While he had perceived her fleeing, the reality was she was blown off the mountain by the sheer force of his Vacuum Strike, which caused her to become a puddle when she met the ground.

In essence, Kuro came across a bandit clan, and slaughtered them all, before grinding the bodies into such a fine dust that their deaths would never be known except by Kuro, and one survivor, who was far too horrified to speak. Wait, no... The bandit had actually fallen on his own sword. That certainly explained why he was neither running nor attacking, unlike his bandit brethren had. Amusing as that was, that did not distract Kuro much, only enough to draw his eyes for a brief moment. 

Finished with grinding the bandits' bodies into dust via black dust, Kuro frowned. Now he was lost... and bored. What Kuro did not know was that this specific clan had been operating on Uchiha lands, which indeed meant he was currently on the Uchiha property, or at least what they would classify as their property. Naturally, Kuro did not know this due to his method of avoiding any conflicts. Laziness, more than any fear. Kuro took a deep breath, noting the air did not even smell of death. As amusing as it was, it did not help him end his boredom or find his way back home. At least he knew the general direction, which was easy due to the highest mountain of Kumo being where his clan holed up. 

With a sigh, Kuro glanced at the flat area he was, one of those flat pieces of land near mountains, ones with some moderate amount of trees. Well, he could at least see the mountain, and the one which used to be there, until he sliced it in half. Funny thing, really, he had never liked that mountain. Thankfully, it was a thin and close mountain, so cutting it was easy. Where the top of it went, he did not know. It was possible he had exuded enough force to break apart the dirt that formed it and make it a plateau, which would be awesome. Thankfully, no one used that mountain as it was far too thin and steep. How that thief got up there, Kuro did not know. For the moment, he decided he would simply wait and see if he could find a map in this bandit camp.
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MeiUchiha #BestInTheWorld

MeiUchiha #BestInTheWorld

Elements : Wind,Fire

Don't Hold Back Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't Hold Back   Don't Hold Back EmptyFri Aug 15, 2014 7:13 pm

The sun was out ironically for the day has just begun being as many days of war and death. It was already known it wasn’t going to be any different I mean look at the world as it was now different lands all separated and guarded by clans. This this world needed a liberation,though many that mark this land is bent on war. Sometimes it was just a pain in the ass if anything could be said about it. In the mountains as the sun broke through the clouds the light shined down at the Uchiha training camp which was well hidden for the younger generation could train or be trained. This was also the place where Mei Uchiha trained one of the strongest of the uchiha. She held a reputation that made her seem like a mere godsend for the females of the clan. People of all types viewed her as some kind of goddess due to her combat power it was only natural that they felt some kind of way.

Mei was in the center compound her body laid out on the floor as she was pretty much relaxing at the time. Her black onyx eyes barely opened as she was thinking of a technique she been training with and wanted to continue to research this technique in more ways than one. Her body remained motionless as it laid on the hard floor of the training compound as Uchiha outside would be in the training session,but all of it failed in comparision to what her father made her go through it was a whole different league,sometimes it makes you think was it even human to be treated like a piece of trash?

Mei hand was used to rest her head on as she yawned,she had not been given a mission for awhile now and pretty much wasted her time training her body to be perfect. During her training she had assigned many guards around the area scouts you can say not really for battle but good set of eyes and ears at least. As her body remained rested and in that position she will already sense someone approaching the compound doors. Her eyes opened just a bit to this as she will yawn once more her free hand this time covering her mouth. As the knock on the compound doors happened and then entered a man who seem to be wearing the normal guard armor created by the Uchiha blacksmith a eyebrow will rise to this occasion.

What do you want?”she spoke bluntly not even really like to be bothered over nonsense. The guard was wimpy looking and obviously had no combat skills in his body that could measure up to hers.”L-Lady Mei,we have received word of a disturbance in the nearby mountains,were uncertain what it was but it seem as it’s trouble and their was blood”he replied to her. Mei rose from her laying position to a sitting one as her hands was like a kickstand keeping her body up as a soft sigh left her lips. She would then push her body upwards till she was at the point of standing. Her eyes not really all that amazed from this information it just seem like a huge pain in the fucking ass to begin with but as her position she had to get to the bottom of this and quickly.

Cancel training for today,send all the trainees and sensei’s home I want this place empty in fifteen”she ordered.Like many of her Uchiha family, Mei has long black hair. While most would complain that long hair is detrimental to fighting, Mei has never shown any discomfort at fighting, regardless of her hair style and length. Often her hair is the focus of her looks, causing some of the more vain people to envy her for her looks. Though not one of those freaks with eighty pounds of sheer muscle, Mei does not lack strength, most of her muscle is compact in density, rather than bulging like those which are solely for show. Like most ninja, Mei's size often allows her opponents to underestimate her, which is usually a very foolish mistake.

Being of average height, 5'7 to be exact, Mei does not have the enormous reach that someone of six foot plus would. Regardless of this, she does have long legs, which will often be used to destroy everything in her path. Her weight, average for her height, is in the range of 120 lbs. Due to this, she is often called light on her feet. She has a few scars on both of her arms, courtesy of her father. The individuals scars themselves go around her biceps, due to the way they occurred.

As to her outfit, Mei prefers to wear a sleeveless vest, with a green V-neck undershirt, also sleeveless. The vest itself has a good three inch collar. While the main portion of the vest is gray, the vest has dark red trim on it. The outfit she wears usually appears to be a noble-esque style. As to her facial features, Mei has a small but pointed nose, which is perfectly halfway between her lips and eyebrows. Her eyebrows themselves are thin, and pointed towards the far sides of the face. Her eyes, as with most uchiha, are black, and a bit bigger than average, but not grossly so. Her face curves into a thin but rounded chin.

Mei stepped from the compound her hand outstretched as she touch the edges ot the door as the guard ran off to cover his new assignment. On her backside was the weapon that was specialized only for her hand Suzumebachi the blade rested in it’s sheath for now that was as the woman watched as all the trainee’s and sensei’s were being transported back to the main compound house. She didn’t go,of course she sent the garbage that was going to get in her way home as it will be bad if they got in her way. She created a single seal with one hand as she closed her eyes as it was like her body faded from existence in that single second.

It took her not even seconds to land on a mountain to the north of her location where she was informed someone was. Who ever did this had sloppy work leaving bloody trails all over the place. Fading within a blink of a eye Mei body was gone as she was going into the bandit camp at unbelievable speeds. Only fading into existence with her blade drawn and at the base of Kuros neck,as her feet touch the very ground her sensory helping her know every move this man thought of making

You move you die,I will not hesitate to remove your head from your shoulders”Mei eyes wandered slightly looking at the mess that was made she sighed.”Who are you? and why are you here?”she asked the seriousness in her voice was overwhelming.
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Elements : Lightning, Wind, Magnetism

Don't Hold Back Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't Hold Back   Don't Hold Back EmptyFri Aug 15, 2014 9:24 pm

"Oh my." Kuro noted the woman had been quite fast, though not as fast as his LRA. "You have such speed..." Kuro grinned widely. An interesting new volunteer! "My name is Kuro, and I was just cleaning up the trash... Who might you be?" Kuro did not bother to turn around, not much caring for the blade at his throat. He chuckled lightly. "Regardless of any of that, judging from the shadow on the ground... you have a marvelous figure. Honestly though, is that any way to introduce yourself? So rude, pointing a blade at my throat. I admire your tenacity though..." Kuro narrowed his eyes, staring behind him at her now. "You are not like the others... If you think you can steal from my clan and get away with it, you are dead wrong." While before, his voice was jovial and humorous, it was now deathly serious. Apparently, he took his clan and attacks against it very seriously. "I will give you a choice. Surrender and give me what you stole" Which was actually nothing, but once more, Kuro did not know this. "Or I will MAKE you."

The fact that his eyes suddenly turned blood red, into the sharingan. In that exact moment, Kuro twitched his neck. Said twitch was used to focus Vacuum Strike, which was meant to dully push the blade held at his throat away, forcing his enemy to either let go of the sword, or be imbalanced and probably be sent flying, with a pained limb. For he most part, she could probably avoid it, but hopefully not without being severely limited in her choices afterwards. If she was knocked off balance by it, or placed into the air... well, he could have some fun then.

"Who knew someone with such speed would be allied with bandits of all things..." Kuro snorted. "Dont expect me to be impressed, however. I have a little trick up my sleeve." Kuro had no idea that he was well known for his LRA, but he did know that it was a VERY powerful technique, which could easily decimate entire armies, should he use it wisely... He used it wisely. Kuro reached into his long blue coat, and pulled out what looked like a giant butcher knife. To be more correct, he formed it using mangetism, pulling the black dust from all over his body, making it look like he had just pulled it out of his coat, which would have been physically impossible.

Speaking of his coat, Kuro's appearance was mostly blue, a color more associated with Uchiha clothing than any other. Of course, this coupled with his sharingan, and hair would make him appear as the perfect hybrid of uchiha, which were somewhat rare, but not unheard of. That being said, it was also obvious he did not know the girl before him, which would also make it obvious he was not part of the clan itself. He could be mistaken for a rogue member of the clan, or some arrogant hybrid uchiha who assumed he was a god. Little did anyone really know, he was pretty damn powerful and dangerous, regardless of his obviously non-ninja clothing.

Kuro stood at a height of 6'2", weighing somewhere around two hundred pounds. Of course carrying all that black dust, he really weighed about one and a half tons, due to how damn heavy his black dust was. For a real ninja, that weight was nothing. Kuro had an aristocratic face, showing his noble heritage. The truth behind this was that the unique combination of dna in him had changed his face from the round style of the Uzumaki into the narrowed style of the uchiha, and the calm expression of the senju. A fusion of both, if there was one. His clothes, as noble as one could assume, was made to seem like it belonged to a royal, a royal blue coat lined with gold color trim, with dark blue, nearly black, pants, and a blue vest, which was made for combat. His hair, both on his head and face, was white. While the hair on his scalp was spiked backwards, his facial hair was simply a mustache with a soulpatch. If one looked closely, they may see small white hairs that indicated Kuro would grow a beard if he allowed it.

His emotionless eyes stared at the woman, making sure to track her movements. He would not allow this slight against his clan! That would be unethical... well, to him. She could have pillaged an entire village and he would not care, but one HAIR on his friends' heads, and he would murder her without care. He was a horrible person, but a good friend. Like most in the Shikyo clan, he considered the other Shikyo as friends rather than family, even though their bonds as friends was even stronger than that of a family.
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MeiUchiha #BestInTheWorld

MeiUchiha #BestInTheWorld

Elements : Wind,Fire

Don't Hold Back Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't Hold Back   Don't Hold Back EmptyFri Aug 15, 2014 11:10 pm

The cold blade rested against the man’s neck it was obvious their wasn’t a move wasted in Mei actions,she was a weapon for the Uchiha. Something to be used for the better of her people,do she question her actions in the many wars with the Hyuuga. Yes, Its how she is human but don’t take it it for this raven haired beauty being soft she was one of the elite,a child brought up to be a weapon and nothing else. The ice cold blade still remain at the main throat moving more towards killing the man as he was trespassing on the Uchiha grounds. Mei blood was more hot more ferocious than any man of her clan she wouldn’t hesitate to strike down anyone she saw as a threat to her people. Her black eyes keeping locked onto the man paying attention as he breath and his neck muscles respond every single detail was being established and saved.

The man begun to speak as if he had no care in the world,this made made Mei honestly question this man’s insanity or he just was dumb either of the two didn’t matter to her. Her only focus was pushing through this man and paying him back for trespassing through the lands that belonged to her clan. While he was talking her other hand had reached over his other shoulder,two of her fingers touching the blade this could of stopped the man from talking or something more,it was obvious from this point that this woman was serious.”Sting all enemies to death…”she would say in her mind as the blade will glow slightly before becoming a stinger and a brace around her hand as the stingers tip points to the man’s neck. The timing of this was all from the man talking it all showed the pure seriousness of this Uchiha.

Something was wrong it felt like the winds were suddenly interrupted and it was like the winds was gathering in a certain point. As the man neck will twitch,Mei will instantly fade from existence using her Mastery over Shunshin to get away. She would reappear ten meters backwards as she would stand there as the clothing that was covering her shoulder was slightly ripped lucky it didn’t get her skin.”I couldn’t react fast enough….”she murmurs to herself as she stood there her hands at her side,the burst of speed was from her constant training in the art of stealth and assassination. She was a monster built to destroy everything that got in her way this was one annoying thing after another, She stood up straight listening to this man name Kuro words she just smirked.

I will tell you now..flatter will not get you anywhere at this time,and I’ll show you exactly why”she replied her voice stern strong you could even say. Her feet begun to slightly spread apart as her knees will bend slightly her stance was strange and probably something this man never seen as her hands was open in front of her the use to be blade was a black and gold stinger not as long as the blade before but such much more deadlier. Those dark black eyes of her’s had changed red as three black mark circled around her pupil. This was her clans gift known as the sharingan it was a special power and it belonged to her clan. She would prepare herself seeing the man now had a weapon this was going to be fun for her.

Let’s hope your not all talk,or I’ll be rather disappointed”she spoke loud enough for the man to hear as she begun to run forward picking up speed closing the distance between them in mere seconds.  She was prepared to strike with the stinger attached to her right hand as she had the right arm drawn back and was at the two meter mark. But before anything could happen the woman seemingly vanished out of thin air, This made her appear behind Kuro at the center of his blind spot in the same distance she was at when she was coming from the front. Her arm will outstretched in an attempt to strike the tip of the stinger right into his back with all her personal strength. After that strike attempt will be made she would once again move at blinding speeds appearing from all sides of Kuro,each time she came to a stop a strike was release. As she vanished from making the initial strike she had reappeared at the right side of Kuro striking him with a attempted elbow to his sides using her speed to her advantage of course the danced simply continued as she appeared from all sides striking with different part of her limbs using one of her styles known as the eight limb style,it was first the sting attempt to the the back,then the elbow strike to the side and another to left side of Kuro all ending with a high knee aimed straight at the center of the man face.

Her body will blur as she return back where she was from her assault instantaneously,It could be noted that the assault was quick and effortless especially if her hits connected but solely this was just the beginning of this sad story.”You asked for my name earlier,I’m Mei Uchiha Of The Uchiha will be the last name you ever hear”she replied. Mei stood there as she would be looking at her prey as she closed her eyes slightly,she Body flickered once more as she appeared few inches above Kuro head her leg drawn back as she would send a solid quick round house towards the man head”This will finish it all!!”she screamed out as hatred was the core of this woman battle style. Using he body momentum she will jump back and land onto the ground landing on her feet, Her stance will change now as one hand was open and pointed forward as the other was drawn back into a fist,this woman was one thing and that was resourceful
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Elements : Lightning, Wind, Magnetism

Don't Hold Back Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't Hold Back   Don't Hold Back EmptySun Aug 17, 2014 5:21 pm

Kuro could hardly blink before she tried to strike him in the back. Thankfully, the black dust from that area had yet to move, block that specific blow. The other blows, however, rained upon him. After the first strike with that dagger finger, Kuro's thoughts began to race. 'how the hell... No one should outclass me in such a way. Least of all in speed... This is impossible!' Rage flooded his mind, and he began to feel something he had not felt in many months. Bloodlust. He wanted her to die, to rip open her chest and eat her heart, making sure to do it fast enough so she saw it. This was not his normal fury, this was something he had not noticed before. All those years of being the most powerful person he knew had instilled a sense of pride, flimsy as it was, in him. Meeting someone who outclassed his speed was a large insult to him, with his mastery of LRA and everything else he had done. So far, he had never met someone who even matched him, let alone outclassed him. Granted, he had been around civilians mostly, so it made sense. 

The second strike, to his side, he felt. Not to the same extent as he would have expected, but he felt it. He was not in a lot of pain, but at the moment of the strike, his rage vanished. It was replaced with a numb emotionless state. 'Why is she attacking me so lethaly... from those eyes, she is an uchiha, someone who would usually try to avoid gaining any MORE enemies. Further, with my own eyes, it should look as if I am an uchiha myself, a half breed perhaps, but an uchiha nonetheless. Perhaps she is one of those idiotic elitists Ive heard of... In any case, I am not enjoying the situation... I dont even have time to activate LRA before she attacks again.' As it turned out, he was right on that last part. What he did not realize was that Mei was an assassin, which meant she would likely not spare anyone who attacked her, regardless of the reasoning. Of course, once the situation was explained, it was very likely both of them would be ashamed slightly. 'Even so, she is definitely not the thief, otherwise she would have stayed to fight. This movement is similar to body flicker, but it seems to revolve around the wind chakra, if the green-ish color is anything to go by. Tchaha... wind verses lightning then.'

The third strike, much worse than the first two, due to having his muscles focus on the opposite side, having already been struck there. Now, he felt hopelessness. The fact was, a single slit of the throat, or stab in the eye and he would be dead. He knew this better than anyone. She was simply too fast, and he could not activate LRA until she stopped moving so damn much. 'How... why can I not react fast enough? This woman, maybe younger than me, is deadly, even TO me... I need more power. I cant keep up at my current level...' A flash in his mind, the image of utter nothingness. 'NO, I REFUSE TO DIE SO EASILY!' That thought was broken when the last strike of the woman came right at him, a knee to the face. He stumbled backwards, blood running down from his nose. He hunched over, his face becoming invisible to his opponent.

He glanced upwards, enough to make eye contact with her, his eyes now showing two tomoe. The worst part... he had a wide grin on his face. "More... GIVE ME MORE!" He began to cackle, as lightning crackled around him, forming into his lightning release armor. His laughter slowed into a stop, his face becoming even. He raised a hand and wiped the blood from his face, surprisingly not leaving a stain. He chuckled lightly. "A beautiful woman, kneeing me in the face. If only you wore short skirts, then it would have been worth it." He was getting rather excited from this fight, and he was very close to letting his full bloodlust show. "Let us see how you can deal with this..." In a moment, he was right in front of her, less than five feet away. Thankfully, his blade was stupidly long. One hand, raised into the air, holding his giant butcher knife of a sword, swung downard at insane speed. Naturally, he did not want to kill her, aiming for a shallow slice, an epidermal laceration at best, lest she not get a chance to unleash her own ace in the hole against him. 

-75 chakra = 481
Sword hardness/Sharpness = 300/500
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MeiUchiha #BestInTheWorld

MeiUchiha #BestInTheWorld

Elements : Wind,Fire

Don't Hold Back Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't Hold Back   Don't Hold Back EmptySun Aug 17, 2014 7:06 pm

Each strike pounded into Kuro,each getting stronger than the last this was more defined than anything else before. It was like a dance was taking place and Kuro here was the guess of honor as Mei did what she did best and danced around the man as she honestly was attempting to kill the man with each blow her mind set was on destroying him that was obvious on the actions she was taking their couldn’t be much explanation about it all. She was built to kill who she fault it mattered little to her if the Uchiha name was being thrown in vain or risk of danger. She was a machine built to destroy and break down everything that chose to get in her way it was how she was honestly built to act,to destroy and tear apart those listed as a enemy and Kuro was just the same a simple target.

She felt successful as her strikes came down to be quite effective in a single combo she was able to push this man back with little to worry about. The red eyes glared giving off a red glow with them as it was like the demoness was staring through the eyes of the female Uchiha towards the man. People like Mei those brought up in a world ruled by men to be seen as weaker humans and pointless baggage or rather seemingly inferior to them. That was the attitude of the uchiha when Mei was young even now her life is built around that discrimination. She wasn’t one known as a prodigy she was more so a normal girl born and given the wrong element. A child outcasted by element she had,It surely was a harsh world the abusive nature of her father and the scars that proves that rested on her body.

These thoughts run through the young Uchiha mind as she looked forward at the man,he was like everyone else that looked down at her. Her teeth will begin to grind against one another as her eyes seem to change a bit as the pure bloodlust of the uchiha was surely flared into a wildfire her pure hatred for this worlds people. A soft sigh left her lips as the attention of the Uchiha was on the man who was on his knee at the time but something was off it was this unnatural feeling swelling into the depths of her being as if something was about to go really bad for her. Chills begun to crawl over her body as her own muscles had tensed up her eyes narrowed as her sight and expression got way more serious than it was.

This feeling,making me very uneasy……”she thought as she just stood their watching the events take place it was really throwing her off. As lightning was coursing over this man body all of a sudden. She heard stories of this power being known by only one man,Kurokon Shikyo. Here she stood facing a face only known in legends of the war zone,Lucky her wouldn’t you say? battling with a legend,she was about to become what Randy Orton tried to be a Legend Killer. She watched closely as the Aura he was giving off was becoming more wilder than before it was like he suddenly got so much more stronger what a joy that was. He begun to get up wiping the blood from his mouth which she found exciting if anything.

She braced her self as a smile smirk spread on her face at the time”You flatter me to much seeing how this is just the beginning of your pain and all”she replied as she was prepared to enter her fancy state but really didn’t need it at the moment for this so she would hold off for now but she had to prepare to move if something happened. But she watched as Kuro had suddenly moved vanishing instantly from where he was to be five meters from her”How he get fast….all of a sudden”she thought to herself as the sword was rose and coming down at her using her sharingan to slow it down,not actually slow it down but give her time to do what she wanted she vanished as the sword was half way from connecting with her. Her body appearing above Kuro as a hand was open as a Orb of chakra was gathered in a fine rotation as she didn’t wate time as this happened as soon as she dodge the sword which was barely as her hand will come down with the rotating chakra aimed right for the man’s back knowing to bring the sword down as he did he couldn’t exactly be standing up straight.

Her body will blur from existence after said action as she appeared to the edge of the plateau being on her knee as she breath softly,she had to get out the way before it was possible for Kuro to retaliate towards her. Her hand open as smoke was slightly rising from it as she forgot that was honestly her first time using that technique in battle and she still wasn’t use to it’s rotation. Her mother had taught her that jutsu known as Rasengan, it was one of her mothers specialized jutsu since she had that chakra control to control it,Mei was jutsu trying to be just like her mother but better a soldier her father could be compared to.

She was panting as she was twenty meters from the man last known location,she would rise to her feet looking forward hoping what she did had some sort of affect her moves was flawless and completely instantaneous she was a Elite...born of a Elite clan she had no dream but to better than she was and this man was not going to interfere with her dream to end female discrimination within her own clan”I don’t know..why you fight,but my burden will overcome you no matter what powers you use,this battle will not end you the victor”she spoke as she breath heavily her hand still burning but not to bad.

45 Chakra Used;356 left
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Elements : Lightning, Wind, Magnetism

Don't Hold Back Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't Hold Back   Don't Hold Back EmptyTue Aug 19, 2014 11:25 pm

Memories... How many did he have? Being the prodigy of the Uzumaki at such a young age due to his complex understand of Fuinjutsu and pretty much anything anyone showed him. It was ironic, considering the prodigy of the uzumaki was the one to get kidnapped, unbeknownst to his captor. Granted, his captor did not specifically care, considering he wanted the blood itself. He did not know it back then, but he would eventually thank the scientist in a way, for bringing him realization. Family was not those who gave birth to you, it was those who wiped your tears when you cried, fought your fears for you, and taught you how to be human. In that case, Kuro did not have a family, really. He did that for his clan, so he had a family in that sense, but no one wiped his tears, no one fought for him, and no one taught him how to be human. He still didnt think of himself as a human, actually. He preferred to be called "demon". It was more accurate, to him at least.

In all his life, he had been underestimated and stepped on more than anything else. This caused him to develop many things in his psyche, things he knew well. For one, he absolutely HATED to be underestimated. It was the ultimate insult, to him. He had EARNED all his power, from the nights he spent studying fuinjutsu to the days he spent working his ass off in Bukijutsu and ninjutsu. To be underestimated when you know you have power, and know that you earned every bit of it... it was a hellish thing, and he knew he had problems with it. It always struck his anger when someone was underestimated. It was immature of him to lose his cool over such things, but it happened.

Secondly, he had developed a very... strange self esteem. For one, he could easily come off as arrogant, due to many reasons. He often acted as such to make others assume he was overconfident, when he was really underconfident. Further, he was confident in his intelligence, which was due to just how often it proved to be better than others'. However, when it came to dealing with people and fighting, he was often underconfident because of constant belittlement when he was a kid. Fact was, he HAD to be the best, because of Ukage's constant experiments. Said experiments had gifted him with incredible strength, both with his sharingan and his life force, which enhanced his body. Oh yeah, he was overpowered.

He could see her move, even with her body flicker. As she appeared behind him, he charged chakra into his palm, turning around and slamming his fist into her rasengan. "CHIDORI!" The technique itself was meant solely to disperse the rasengan without affecting him. Hopefully he would not harm her too much either. He was going to be rather merciful now, since he realized he had the wrong person. "You shouldnt complain about my flattery, at least Im not lying... And honestly, beautiful, a smartass, fast, strong, and a decent sense of humor, do you HAVE any flaws?" Kuro chuckled.

Kuro grinned wider. "Even better, an uchiha who mastered Rasengan... you really are something special. Most women in your clan bow down to the men of it, kissing their feet as they walk... I find it disgusting. So subservient, always kissing up. Your clan's culture sickens me to the core. Yet, here you are, impressing me. I cannot lie, I am indeed impressed. You have power, tenacity, and skill. Maybe what I heard of your clan's culture is just rumors. If so, I apologize, if not... Well, I am honored to fight a warrior rather than a wife." He did not know why he said it, maybe he respected her a little. Most would have ran away when he used LRA, let alone when he appeared in front of them with a sword. No one had ever continued to attack him, mostly because they were too slow or scared. She had shown something he had not seen in a long time, and that made her interesting... 

In the next moment, Kuro did something that really wasnt too shocking. He swung his sword, backwards, horizontally at the woman, even though she was far away. A distortion of the area between the two opponents appeared, as if wind itself was moving towards Mei. Kuro grinned as he saw Vacuum Strike zoom towards her at insane speed. Thankfully, he had used the blunt side of the sword for it, so she would at best get knocked out, rather than sliced in half. At worst, she might be pushed away, if she did everything right. 'Lets see how you keep up, miss Uchiha... I want to see your absolute best, Dont you DARE HOLD BACK ON ME'
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MeiUchiha #BestInTheWorld

MeiUchiha #BestInTheWorld

Elements : Wind,Fire

Don't Hold Back Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't Hold Back   Don't Hold Back EmptyWed Aug 20, 2014 12:34 am

This battle was becoming more and more a pain in the ass for this female Uchiha it was like she was slower than this man. This power he had was something completely different from any other type of male she fought in her time as a soldier. They were all the same pricks who think they were stronger but yet a female stood up and proved them all wrong. This was honestly the true definition of a warrior,she didn’t have the best childhood but it was from her past that made her stronger. She slowly begun to rise to her feet as her sharingan eyes look forward at the man twenty meters away from her as her hand was still stinging from trying the Rasengan out of nowhere knowing for a fact it wasn’t strong enough as it was cancelled out with what the man called out Chidori. She stood up her eyes never leaving the man as the lightning was coursing over his body like a armor of lightning.

She took notes of the area this use to be a camp,maybe their was something here she could possibly use to get the battle back in her favor. Not wanting to make her eyes leave her opponent at the time,her left foot will slowly begun to slide to the left as her right slide slightly to be behind the left as she was honestly right at the edge of the plateau due to her positioning. This was bad as she could tell that it was a long way down when she was on her way here maybe she could get some type of attack going at the best of her abilities but that lightning of his was becoming a pain in the ass and that shit was seriously in her way. Different plans begun to race in her head,planning her next action to the best of her abilities she couldn’t lose here.

She kept her eyes glued to this man looking him up and down looking promptly for a weak spot in this technique of his she knew there had to be at least one. Listening to him talk he yet kept flirting with her what was his problem like really what was his problem? did he not understand that they were in the midst of battle.Her burden was far greater than this man who stood in front of her without a care in the world was he really that fucking dense? no one was that dense. She would listen to the next part this was where he crossed the line as the woman eyes grew darker more devilish you could say as she listen to the man speak about her clan as her fist balled up as her teeth grind together.

The tension just increased from that statement it wasn’t a nice one either,this woman went through all of that punishment. Yet this man mocked her people,the hatred only intensified as she would stare forward her lips shut as not a single word had escaped her. She was seriously pissed off now,but that didn’t change the fact of the next events to happen. It was like the distortion from earlier the same presence and pressure of the wind before when she was forced to dodge. But this one was way more quicker jumping backward into the air the thing was quickly following her motion as she begun to vanish and reappear but the attack of the strong wind kept up with her. This was completely messed up she was stuck in the air with a attack right following her but was slowly thinning out as distance was gained.

As Mei was prepared to body flicker it was as if she was to late as she only was able to throw her arms in a crossed formation in front of her face to block the blunt of the blast though it was weak it still possessed enough force to throw Mei body backwards,her body continued to fly through the air till it collided with a mountain creating a crater in that very mountain. Smoke rising from the collision as the mountain seem cracked from the impact. Mei would be laying there in the mouth of the mountain it had seemed most of her senses was knocked out of her. Blood was strolling down the corner of her lips as her arms was badly bruised as her eyes would slowly open the smoke still rising from the impact site. She would slowly open her eyes being about fifty meters away from Kuro who had made her comeback this far with his attack,she would rise up debris of the mountain falling off of her as her body was shown to be covered in bruises from her arm and on her back.

She panted heavily as this was becoming more and more difficult it was leaving her favor very fast. Her hand would reach out towards the opening where she crashed in as her right hand gripped the edge as so did he left hand. Using the new grip to rise her body from the debris she would still have her sharingan active. Her body will vanish to the point of being in mid air and above where Kuro was. She would body flicker once more appearing where she was before as her clothing was a bit tore showing the attack did more than harm her clothes.”You..don’t understand my pain,I was forced to fight to gain the respect I have now,Female Uchiha was forced to be weaker,by those men”she paused as suddenly her body vanished.

Clone after clone would soon be summoned equalling to fifteen clones in total not actually solid clones but enough for all she needed it for. These clones was the effect of her using her body flicker they were the perfect diversion and the real one could hide among them perfectly they all surrounded Kuro in all direction. The trick of this technique was that each image held her chakra signature making it extremely difficult to find the right one”And I’ll be damn if I let a man beat me”she finished as every single image released those words and charged Kuro from all direction,these images copied all of her actions as she was blending in with the images perfectly as all fifteen of them will vanish. Before Kuro could possibly know it all fifteen was within range as they all thrust the hand forward each direction this attack would seem to come from. But the main attack was from the right side aimed straight for the man’s arm that was the real attack,the images just copied her movements making it seem she was attacking from every direction possible.It was the second attack from Suzumebachi!

12 Chakra Used:344 left
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Elements : Lightning, Wind, Magnetism

Don't Hold Back Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't Hold Back   Don't Hold Back EmptyFri Aug 22, 2014 8:20 pm

Kuro's eyebrow twitched as she mentioned her pain. Oh sure, he had little doubts it was hard to grow up being underestimated, but on the other hand when Kuro was a prodigy, his most hated moments were when he had no purpose. No challenge to grow from, no goal to strive for. Nothing. Just... numbness. It was absolutely horrifying to live without purpose, with so much power. It was truly a miracle that Kuro had not become a psychopath. He had issues because of it, but most of them were simple. Perversion, sarcasm, setting up insane situations for his personal amusement. He fit more with a sociopath in his own line of thought, but the literal definition did not fit either. All his life had led up to him becoming who he was now. The experiments, especially.

Kuro was able to track most of her movements, but when the clones spawned his eyes avoided her for a mere moment... That was all it took. He had lost track of her after that, with fifteen clones coming at him. He had one choice. His left arm, holding his sword, swiped outward, all the way around his body, though he missed the one which was actually Mei. Unfortunate accident, but he did not notice yet. His attention had yet to be diverted from the distortions which were once clones. 'These are not normal clones... they moved too fast, I could feel they had some form of chakra... Wind clone? Id assume a wind version of that technique would be more of a trap, so then why would she have them all attack me at once? No, this was different. Not an illusion, but something else. Spacetime? Nah, I doubt this type of fighter would care for such methods, she seems rather intent on close combat, but she is too fast to engage in long range combat. Still, that would be a good idea.'

Kuro, in his incredibly fast thinking state, realized something was wrong. Pain, to be exact. Pain that should not be there, yet was. As if in some slow motion event, Kuro's head slowly turned towards his right shoulder, where Suzumebachi was still inserted into him. The interesting thing about LRA, it increased reaction time far more than it did speed, so for him, this was in slow motion. He could not really react, but he perceived it going much slower than most would assume. In fact, it was the combination of adrenaline from the pain, and LRA which gave him this slow motion feature. 

In any case, something was wrong- oh... right, the woman with her blade inserted into his shoulder. Giving her the most annoyed stare he had ever given anyone, he smirked when he saw the state of her clothes. 'I wonder if I can damage them bad enough for her to have to lose them...' He grinned. 'That would be a nice sight.' Perverted and deranged, Kuro realized two things. One, his chakra was getting low because fuck the pool system. Two, he was getting a bit bored, and nearly getting his ass kicked. As it was, her attacks had been dangerous and used little chakra, while his own had used a massive amount simply to avoid said attacks. This was going nowhere, and fast. He had to either end it soon, or give up. 'Naturally,' He thought 'If I lose, Im at least getting those clothes off of her hehehe.' 

One might look down on Kuro for being a pervert, but in all honesty, it was more for amusement than actual perversion. Technically, Kuro was trying to have fun rather than be creepy. He was... different, so to speak, so being a pervert to him was natural, while others would view it as a horrid crime of nature for some inexplicable reason. Fuck those people. Seriously, Kuro was the type of person who had almost no inhibitions, so he would naturally clash with those weak willed fucknuggets who only followed the roles of that which they were 'born' into... Yeah, that was why he called himself a sociopath. "Alright, that is quite..." He swung his hand at her while she was still close, launching hundreds of Chidori Senbon with his left hand, hoping to shred what was left of her clothes away."ENOUGH!" Hopefully that would stop her from attacking more, because he was getting tired. Fucking pool system.

Chakra = 303
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MeiUchiha #BestInTheWorld

MeiUchiha #BestInTheWorld

Elements : Wind,Fire

Don't Hold Back Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't Hold Back   Don't Hold Back EmptyFri Aug 22, 2014 10:04 pm

The sky remained clear as this battle just continued on,it was like this was a battle meant to happen and there was no way to witness which way this battle will go just because of this. Each person had their own battle scars neither Mei or Kuro stood untouched. This was honestly a battle to change the world as it was louder than thunder and more destructive than an earthquake could be. Both parties was exchanging blow after blow,Mei refused to give up that was one thing that was strong about her and that was her fighting spirit,she was told to never give up by her mother who taught her everything she knew. Her mother sent her through training to make her strong not only fighting like her father but also her mother it was a battle she could not lose no matter the outcome of the situation. She held more and fought for more she was a Uchiha who very life started in the gutter and she refused to return there not until she broke free of this worlds struggles.

The battle was just heating up with each passing moment as the young Uchiha was surely pushing pass normal human power and into inhuman maybe it had something to do with her hatred for this man who thought he will beat her,None of it mattered as the woman diversion came up to be successful this only meant one thing that the first strike had connected. As the stinger of the blade broke through the Lightning that covered the main body to pierce his skin,this didn’t just make blood spill from the sudden pierce but also form a black mark that resembled a butterfly had been made this was only another target for Mei and she knew that much as this battle will stay in her favor if that was the last thing she did.

Her hand would pull back as stream of blood would of followed her eyes looking up as her Sharingan flared with anger as their eyes met this guy was pretty strong she had to give him that much to not even flinch at being stabbed by Suzumebachi. Her clothes was already in a rough state being as her shoulder was free from her top as along her attire there was slight tears that could of only been done from being crashed into a fucking mountain obviously. She kept her eyes on his as the eye contact between the two was long and tension building the eyes of the cursed clan filled both of their eyes as their really wasn’t an answer to who would come out to be victorious?

It seem a long time the two just glared at one another each showing a slight disgust for the other this was obviously a rivalry that probably would never end. This was obvious a staredown of the century but then it was broken of course by the man,she couldn’t help but smile as her eyes let her see the hand movement which was obviously going to be released given a lot of chakra was being gathered into the main hand at that point in time. She really couldn’t move fast enough she would be forced to use it just to dodge this upcoming attack which she hated but knowing what shape her clothes was in could she really risk taking any more damage than she already did. She kept her eyes on the hand which seem to go slower than normal due to her perception sight of the sharingan she had to use it there was no other choice”Sorry mother...I’ll will apologize at your grave after I win this”she thought to herself.

As the senbon was coming down upon her her body moved at the last moment as the lightning senbon will make contact on the ground where she was, Her body came back into view on the furthest right of Kuro as she begun to pant. If Kuro paid attention he would seem something he would thought never existed,probably the beautiful thing anyone had witness. As white chakra outlined Mei’s body as she was on a single knee looking forward,this was the technique known as Shunko a move used to end fights quickly and have enough energy to continue fighting, Winds warped around Mei body rapidly as she panted as she was catching her breath if she didn’t use it she would of got hit again.”You're becoming a pain in the ass…..”she spoke up finally. She would stand up as the white chakra and winds will come to a stop and vanish as she sighs softly. Chakra though invisible begun to coat her body this was for a technique that her mother passed down to her also.

She didn’t waste time talking as she will be twenty meters away as her body vegun to charge forward but using her body flicker she would disappear as soon as she hit the fifteen meter mark. This allowed her to appear in front of kuro sending a round house to his stomach in a attempt to raise him of his feet her body would body flicker once more as she appeared to the left of him sending a elbow straight for the side of his head,but her tactics didn’t end there. As she body flickered into mid air coming down with a terrifying axe kick she only body flicker to be few meters above Kuro head as she came down with that axe kick. As the left axe kick was done,the right kneee would shoot upwards towards the man chin. body flickering once more to avoid possible retaliation her hands will be on her sides balled up in a fist.

She panted she felt herself being tired out and she could tell it was the same for her opponent she had one way to win this,she was going to lockdown the man limbs and end this battle once and for all”Lookin kinda exhausted why not just give up?”she mocked and asked him as she was panting more and more trying to catch her breath but it didn’t mean she was any weaker.

279 chakra remaining
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Elements : Lightning, Wind, Magnetism

Don't Hold Back Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't Hold Back   Don't Hold Back EmptyFri Aug 22, 2014 11:38 pm

Kuro noted her look of disgust. No idea why she hated him so much, but hell he was at least having fun. She may be mad at him, but even he could tell it had been a while since she had cut loose like this. That shoulder injury inspired by that odd dagger finger was itching, as most cuts would. Granted, this cut was more like a three inch deep stab, so it was not a normal cut. Actually, now that he focused, he felt an odd sensation on it. It was likely poisoned then, but it wasnt taking effect yet... Good. That meant it required something special. Amazing that she managed to get through his LRA though, especially considering it was with a weapon...

Kuro sighed. Suddenly, things changed. The wind around the woman picked up, filled with a strange chakra that Kuro had not seen before. It was wind chakra, for sure, but the way it was being used filtered it in such a way that it looked so different than normal wind chakra it was unbelievable. 'This kind of power... This just keeps getting better and better. This woman has something deadly in her, and Id love to see more of it. Though, Id rather it not be used on me. As fun as this is, my chakra is not infinite yet, so I cannot continuously do this. She seems to be expelling so little chakra in doing this, but LRA is draining my reserves.' Her movement was absolutely amazing when she had that shroud of power-wind wrapped around her. In ways Kuro had never thought of before, it was one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen. All else aside, it looked good, even if its power had not been enough to back it up. 

Actually, the speed itself was what shocked Kuro. For one thing, this woman had superior speed compared to his base speed, and now she surpassed his LRA speed with whatever that jutsu was? Wait... Taking a look at his own chakra with his sharingan, then comparing it to his memory, he realized something. 'That technique... It was based off of this one. I may not have perfected it yet, but that level of power is unmistakable, and the way she moves with it, far too similar to be dismissed so easily. Her power is increased to a high degree, obviously, but the way the wind is being wrapped around her and used to boost her speed. The method is different, but the end result is the same. Shit. It gets even worse when I think about elemental weaknesses. She has me beat tactically and in chakra. Is this... defeat?' Kuro stared as she began to run towards him, seventeen meters away.

'WAIT! Shes been too fast to use it against, but with her moving at these speeds, itd be insanely hard to dodge, lets see if we cant fix this fight... Ive only got a little left before Im out of chakra. Halfway at best... Remind me to create a way to get more chakra.' He noted to himself, knowing he could trust him to remind him. Kuro grinned mischievously as the woman rushed at him, before disappearing in a body flicker. 'Not surprising, she shows a skill for this jutsu much higher than most. She is an absolute master of that technique.' 

Kuro stepped back, avoiding the roundhouse, albeit barely. She was stupidly fast and strong, but he was also a monster. No, he was a demon. In this ever so classic fight of Demon vs Monster, he had to question who would come out on top. He would not be bothered in either way, because of the simple fact that she had awoken the demon inside of him. Oho, this woman was fun. Maybe he could convince her for more spars when this was all over. Kuro blocked the elbow that was aimed for his head using his black dust blade, which immediately broke. That alone was a shock to him, let alone the fact that the elbow went right on through and got him in the jaw, thankfully softened by the blocking. This caused him to miss that last attack, sending him crashing into the ground from that terrifying axe kick, which just so happened to strike his left shoulder, possibly dislocating it. Oh absolutely HELL no. Two could play this game. He was about to pull the most strategic move he had ever done before.  He immediately got back up from that attack.

Taking the two broken halves of his sword, he chucked them at the woman with his right arm, wincing at the movement. Unfortunately, this caused him to miss with both swords, one piece going to the left of her, one going to the right, both turning to dust from the sheer damage they had taken. "Tch... Damnit. Look what you did, you broke my favorite sword." Kuro chuckled. "Still, you gave me a hell of a fight, so there is that. Id give up now if I were you." Thats right, with a dislocated left shoulder, and an injured right arm, and- op, LRA just faded too. No he was weaponless, low on chakra, with two injured arms, and without LRA. Shit. "On the other hand, I could just leave and we could reschedule? As much as I would love to make you lose the rest of those clothes, Im a bit tired. You are as well, I can hear you breathe from over here." The smirk on his face was not at all ruined by the blood running down his lip, from that elbow attack. Kuro was glad he did not have to shout with the woman being within 15 meters. Just because his life force and body were absolutely demonic did not mean he could magically make her hear him that far away. That would likely be a reverberation seal, if he had that ability at least.

Chakra = 228
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MeiUchiha #BestInTheWorld

MeiUchiha #BestInTheWorld

Elements : Wind,Fire

Don't Hold Back Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't Hold Back   Don't Hold Back EmptySat Aug 23, 2014 1:21 am

War was the center of the world and this battle was no different as no one understood the pain of being talked down to. Everything she have she had to take and claim as her own and taking this man life was something she was going to claim and show the superior power of the Uchiha clan. She knew she didn’t come from the best life she wasn’t exactly a child born with special talents it was a dog eat dog world you had to take what you wanted. That was Mei life and continue to be her life she couldn’t exactly put her finger on the many times in her life she had lost something because of men but this man would not beat her that was for sure. She was going to do everything in her power to make sure that she never see this man again as it was her honor on the line.

She had been on a full on assault not holding a bit of her power back as she had chose to go full force. Her roundhouse was dodged which only made the female Uchiha be in a pit of rage this was something she didn’t understand how her dodged her. The next was her elbow which he also reacted to swiftly to throwing up his blade to block that also but it wasn’t enough as the force of her blow was so strong and broke the blade into two and smashed right into the man jaw the sheer force was overwhelming. This attack crashed into the man she felt the blow which satisfied her knowing she landed a blow such as that on the man. This only continued to increase her advantage in this battle and show this man who was actually superior in this term of power.

That wasn’t all that connected which she was actually suprised but not that much intrigued as you thought she would be. The axe kick she had unleashed had made connection as it simply dropped the man to his knees from the impact this showed her hits actually packed a punch as she would smirk from this as she would be standing fifteen meters from the man as she looked at his already messed up state the situation he was in,wasn’t shocking as Mei left all her opponents a memory of her if they survived her that is. She stood their her body frame now standing up straight as the man had got right back up from her assault as the young uchiha closed her eyes and reopened them.

Her focus being on the man before her as she honestly didn’t understand the point of all of this and just wanted to fight. She was by blood a uchiha and knew that nothing could come good of this battle if this man stayed living as she will sigh softly standing their as her mind was in deep thought as it was giving her images of her mother this was a weird place for that to happen after her father died they were mistreated this only angered Mei even more as she knew the outcome of most things which only meant she had to do better to overcome them and this man was no different he was a simple obstacle in her way a mere item to be pushed aside for her honor and her pride the two things that showed the importance of it all. She returned to reality as the man stood before her as she knew she will have to end his misery right here and now.

Her hand will open as chakra begun to rotate and gather as the rapid circulation of chakra continued as it formed into a gigantic orb of chakra. She knew very well the out of using this jutsu again in such a short time but she will have to end this. The two broken pieces of the sword will zip pass her as she would begin to run forward as soon as they passed closing the distance quickly with no lag in her movements. Her hand open with the Rasengan at full power as she was going to finish this guy off with a move her mother always use to use though she was a medical ninja she used this to fight offensively and Mei though she was more physical she didn’t lack her mother Medical abilities which was actually good for her to say the least as she will not only be a split image of her mother but also her father  holding onto both of their powers into one she was who she was because of them even though she was abused she pushed passed it the scars on her arms lay as a reminder of the pain she been through and what truly laid before her making her a prime example of a child who path was only meant to be a weapon for the clan and nothing else and she was proving why with this battle.

She continued to run forward it was like the very time was slowing down with each move she made as she knew this had to end everything. She was the Uchiha clans main weapon and right now she was fighting some random man who name she hardly remembered but it wouldn’t matter after this as she knew this would end it once and for all as she hopped from her running as she would thrust her hand forward as the rasengan spun out of control it was being  aimed at the man chest as she showed in her eyes that everything she was doing was out of hate pure hate for the man species for how they treated her clan but she will prove that they were on equal grounds and end that discrimination as she will scream out at the top of her lungs”Rasengan!”she will be so serious her voice showed just the seriousness of the situation maybe the world needed less man well she will surely take one out of the world now.

Crappy postQ.Q
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Elements : Lightning, Wind, Magnetism

Don't Hold Back Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't Hold Back   Don't Hold Back EmptySat Aug 23, 2014 2:45 am

Kuro frowned. Why would she not listen? Was she obsessed with murdering him for simply being a man? How ridiculous... Though, he figured it may be possible given the natural dominate culture that the uchiha produced, and the likelyhood that it made their women feel inadequate. It was likely she was one of those feminists he detested. He hated things like that, judging before knowing someone. It went directly against his entire clan's beliefs. It was ridiculous, in a way that he could not even describe. How could such a simple thing such as gender, race, or age determine what kind of person someone was? Such a childish notion was the very epitome of what Kuro disliked. Never hated. Hate did not exist, really. All there ever was was anger.

"...I see." The woman began to charge the rasengan towards his position. His eyes lost the rage they had, turning into a much softer emotion. Empathy. Oh yes, one of Kuro's greatest annoyances was how he could feel another's emotions. Not by and kind of magic power or chakra based power, but out of prediction and understanding. To Kuro, to be human is to lack understanding of each other. To be a monster, you have to be powerful. To be a demon you must have understanding of others. It did not make you good or evil, simply powerful in a different manner. It was a strange line of thought, but it fit most people. There were of course different types of humans, demons, and monsters, but the general definition fit for most people.

"Very well then!" Kuro's face was absolutely emotionless, though his voice was laced with a mixture of anger, and regret. He hated fighting these types of people, for a great deal of reasons. Generally speaking they were hard to reason with and impossible to convince to give up. While those were honestly amazing traits for allies, they were pesky traits for enemies. Worse yet, they were very new to him. In his own clan, everyone respected each other, regardless of anything like gender race or age. It was hard to accept someone being so angry over such things, when coming from a clan which was closer than any clan bound by blood only. It was one of the multiple reasons that Kuro was accepted as the defacto leader of the clan.

'She goes for secondary moves, so far her only single moves have been leads and traps. Maybe its time I do my own.' Kuro, as strange as it may seem, had two main 'masks', so to speak. Usually, he was carefree, perverted, and generally humorous. In this particular case, he was calm, emotionless and calculated. While he was always thinking, he was not always so cold about it. Electricity sparked in his palm, before he rushed forward towards Mei as well. "Chidori." The steady voice Kuro spoke with was vastly different from the jovial joking voice from before. Thrusting his hand outward, to meet the rasengan head on. 'Now!' Suddenly the Black Dust from the broken sword he held before flew towards him, and thus, her. The dust was close to her, as she neared him. If the black dust did connect with her, it would wrap around her like a suit, constricting her movements but not overall harming her. If not, the chidori would clash with the rasengan, like some ridiculous reenactment of a certain event that was way too long ago to be accurately remembered by any ninja due to a lack of a solid educational system.

Chakra = 163
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MeiUchiha #BestInTheWorld

MeiUchiha #BestInTheWorld

Elements : Wind,Fire

Don't Hold Back Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't Hold Back   Don't Hold Back EmptySat Aug 23, 2014 6:43 pm

The time seem to all slow down like the world itself was already coming to a complete stand still as Mei charged. She didn’t understand it,the reason she fought was to always prove men of her clan wrong to push pass any one of them,she knew woman deserved to be treated equally not just some housewife. But the world hated that kind of thinking reason why it was as it was now a world of complete and utter Misery,world without a happy ending, guess this was the outcome of everything but it would hopefully come to a end even if it was her who ended it that was for sure she fought to become better than she was,a legacy to end everything even if it was a life of a mere man it was just one more step in her conquest. She always fought for what was better for mankind she thought but a lot of answers always popped up to give her a solution to her questions it only made her sigh softly.

She drew her hand back as she was going to slam her rasengan right into the man but as she was attempted to do that,something was wrong and coming towards her frm behind how did she know that? It was because of her sensory and knowing the winds patterns better than anyone of the clan. She would feel the dust begun to restrict her but all she did was smile as the dust seemed to have caught the woman in her tracks. But within seconds the image of her will fade as the one that was caught was a afterimage created from her technique known as Utsusemi it allowed her anough time to body flicker due to one point.

The invisible chakra covering the body allows her enough time to move and replace herself with a afterimage making it seem she was caught but in reality……...her body will sudden phase into existent behind and above Kuro,she moved in time to avoid such moves giving her the edge she needed. Her hand quickly thrust downwards aiming for the man back in a attempt to drive him towards the ground under pure pressure of the huge rasengan she was going to end this now not later she had to end this once and for all,she will slay this man with her mothers own move and she knew her mother will not let her down she wasn’t that far above the man and her speed of the attack happened as soon as she appeared.
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Elements : Lightning, Wind, Magnetism

Don't Hold Back Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't Hold Back   Don't Hold Back EmptySat Aug 23, 2014 9:45 pm

Kuro knew she wouldnt go for a direct charge, but incorrectly judged where she would attack from. From her previous body flickers, she had moved mostly at obvious directions, but at the same time it was seemingly random. Judging from this, he had little doubt she would attack from the side. Unfortunately, all this analysis was completely incorrect. Even though he was spot on, and would have been correct had she been more tactical and the fight was just beginning, she had been more strategic than tactical, which fucked him right in the down under. Actually, it was his right arm. You know, the one which he could use decently? That one. On the other hand, had his left arm been the one that had been hit by that rasengan, it was likely he would never be able to use it again, so that was good. Of course the attack pushed him back, but not down like it was planned.

Kuro, growling at the pain, stepped away from the girl. His chidori had already vanished, and the dust from his swords swarmed into his clothing. "Looks like you win. Not bad." Kuro grinned, ignoring the fact that his right shoulder now looked like someone had carved a spiral into it. At his current position of a mere meter and a half, he knew he had little choice in things anymore, unless he needed to use his trump card. His chakra was too low for him to do anything else, just in case he needed a quick escape. With her speed, however, his only real hope was that he would create a trap or a solid defense for her, should she attack. "You have me at your mercy, what will you do?" Kuro questioned.

Continuing, he knew what he needed to let out. "Did you know they say you learn several things about yourself and your opponent in a fight? From your words and actions, do you know what I figured out? You hate being underestimated, looked down upon, especially because of your gender. I never had to deal with it, so I cannot really relate. It wouldnt matter to you, would it? Hahaha..." Kuro stared the woman in the face, his own face becoming serious. "Male, female, Black, white, child, elder... I dont get it. Race, Gender, Age... These things, I dont care about any of them!" Kuro spoke loudly, but not quite shouting. "They dont matter, only who you are and what you can do matter in this world! So far... youve already proved everyone who caused your rage wrong, beating me like this. So why keep a hold of it? What are you searching for in this world? Revenge? Protection for your clan? Perhaps allies? I can relate to those. Revenge will leave you questioning your purpose from there, not fun. Protecting your clan will always be important, but anger is not a good reason for it. Allies? Id love some, being from the Lone Clan at the moment. All of them point towards one thing. Your anger, no matter why you have it, no matter who its directed towards. Its pointless until you do something about it." Kuro used the Shikyo Clan's name 'The Lone Clan' as a joke, because it was to him. As good as allies could be, who would really ally with the lethal and insane shikyo clan, of all clans? They were certainly not known for mercy.

"So what will you do? Kill me? Enslave me? Torture me? Hahaha, come! Tonight is the night you decide the fate of the rest of the world!" Kuro cackled, loving how he managed to seem in control even with his injuries. He may not be able to move either of his arms at the moment, but he could definitely mold chakra and use his trap card. If not, he could always try to convince her to, you know, NOT slit his throat or rip out his heart. Or he could use his bloodline, but that would be dangerous for him, since he may have to take hits to give them.

Chakra = 138
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MeiUchiha #BestInTheWorld

MeiUchiha #BestInTheWorld

Elements : Wind,Fire

Don't Hold Back Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't Hold Back   Don't Hold Back EmptySun Aug 24, 2014 9:42 pm

Mei movements were quick as she knew that the simple movements she was doing was faster than the man could honestly keep up with. Her body was more agile and weighed less so the way she carried herself was only natural there wasn’t anytime for most hings to make sense except she was the one who was destined to win by the gods if they existed. Her rasengan will crash downwards as it made connection with the man’s arm as the chakra infused orb rotated out of control on the flesh of the man the force was enough to blow Mei hair back as the impact had enough force to shatter the very ground beneath them as a soft sigh will escape her lips as her attack had a small failure again as Kuro had merely slide away from her to the point he was facing her how she missed again? she had no idea really it just happened and she fucking hated it.

The man was able to remain on his feet even after getting slammed with a strong Rasengan which really didn’t surprise Mei as this man survived a lot of her attacks normal soilders wouldn’t so she had to give him credit for that much. Landing on her feet softly as the hand she had rasengan in was bruised and actually smoking as if it had been set on fire. She opened her hand as she watch the smoke rise from it as it was obvious she was disappointed”Well that happened again…”she murmurs to herself as she would look back up towards the man as she hear his words of him surrendering,which could be the point that he knew he was outmatched and just wanted to live or merely was mocking her each situation she knew was possible.

The man was here at her feet as she looked at him as she will sigh softly”My mercy you say?”she questioned as she will look at him her Sharingan staying active as she seemingly just look at this man. She was about to say something but she allowed the man to speak knowing she should at least allow him his final words no matter what they were she had that kind of honor,she fought for the better of her clan and live to fight for that clan she was a weapon ,one that would destroy anything that messed with the uchiha which was proving with this man at her feet. She listened her own eyes looking down as she was thinking on his words listening to everything the man said,how could he understand anything she went through he was a man and like all others deserved to die.

Her fist drove down as it hit the ground missing Kuro by about a inch as the ground under them formed a big crater from the impact,her body will stand back up straight as her lips formed into a frown as she couldn’t believe this man tried lecturing her.”You don’t understand do you?do you know what’s it like to be born a woman who life is already written for her?do you understand the pain we have to go through just to be accepted? Forced to be a breeding station for the males of the clan,you speak lightly on the situation when you don’t understand it one bit so don’t try lecturing me about your views and don’t think you can ever understand me!”she yelled her voice echoed through the mountains showing just how loud she was.

The man words begun to enter her head as she couldn’t get them out as she couldn’t free herself from them as she begun to stumble backwards.”Shut..up…..just Shut Up! Shut Up Shut Up Just Fucking Shut Up!”she screamed even louder the young Uchiha was getting image after image of her life flashing inside of her head as she stumbled two betters backwards as she was really in that mood.”You don’t understand anything!”she screamed tears swelling in her eyes as she couldn’t help but release the pain and sorrow she felt in so long. The tears streamed down her cheeks staining her face as she felt the pain she couldn’t hold back from the truth of the man words. she will sighs softly as she couldn’t live like this she knew,but this hatred was all she grew to know,this bottled up pain was what her life gave her. She couldn’t stop thinking about it at all now how could she as the world was against her but she always built herself to be strong,maybe she was weaker than she thought. Silence suddenly came into play as both parties will be silent for a short time.

Her ears perked up as she listens to the man speak once more but not a single word left the young Uchiha as her head would be faced down towards the ground. She would stay like that pondering on that question,what would she do with this man he hit a place no one else did,but she sighed softly as she knew part of her was weak and this man was surely not one of her clan,it was wrong for her to take her hatred out on him. She begun to walk towards him as her hand will outstretch not a word leaving her lips,she would attempt to place her hand on the man head. Chakra will begin to flow through Kuro body healing all his wounds to the point as if they never existed,this will be from a simple touch as she rose her head as on her forehead was a diamond black mark. It was the power of her Creation Rebirth,she was using it’s ability to transfer chakra to heal this man who she knew she will see again.

You should return to wherever you came from Kuro…..I gave you the power to make your travel on your own,you should return from where you came”she spoke softly turning her back to the man as she begun to walk the opposite direction”Maybe one day,that ally vision of yours will come true,I hope for it”she replied softly.

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Elements : Lightning, Wind, Magnetism

Don't Hold Back Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't Hold Back   Don't Hold Back EmptyMon Aug 25, 2014 12:04 am

Kuro, through the pain and irritation, saw the woman's skin smoking with the rasengan. How odd. She had obviously not mastered such the rasengan as he had previously thought. If she had, that smoke would not have existed. It was likely a problem with the uncontrollable chakra and the nature of the jutsu itself. The friction and pressure caused by Rasengan would be a problem for her. As she neared him, his legs tensed, hidden because of his pants. He knew this may be it, but damnit he was going out fighting. The metal dust in his clothes formed over his forearms like gloves, so that he could use his magnetism to move them. He was prepared for her to lash out at him, attempt to kill him, or try and enslave him, as all of those had happened at least twice before. 

She wasnt overly fast in her movements, but they both knew she did not need to be. Kuro could move, sure, but it hurt at the moment, which slowed him down quite a bit. Further, Mei was already faster, so him dodging would be highly unlikely. Her missing would be as well. Kuro did not move as he saw that she was going to miss. He had little doubt she did it on purpose, which she proved when she spoke to him. He simply listened. 

When she began to cry, Kuro moved towards her, knowing it may get him killed or kicked in the face, and hugged her. Someone who had such problems earlier in their life deserved it. Thankfully the mangetism allowed him some base motor functions while injured, when he wrapped it around his body. "Dont..." Kuro took a breath in, before sighing. "Dont cry. Dont you DARE cry, after beating me of all people. Youve already proven what you can do to yourself. Why care what others think? Only what you and your friends think should matter. Even think, so long as you are happy with yourself, you should show it. Never let someone else bring you down like that."

Kuro pulled back, aware he was probably about to get kicked or hit somewhere painful. "You really dont get it do you? Let me give you the same advice that saved my life quite a few times. 'Whenever someone looks at you with anger, smile at them, it proves they are too weak to affect you'. When I was first told this, I thought it meant something like hide who you are, but the truth is you should always show who you are, because itll make you much happier than hiding it." Pulling away from her, arms now dangling at his side, he grinned. "After all, Im one of the happiest people on the planet, and my life certainly aint been easy!" He chuckled, much different than his demonic rumble from before.

Kuro listened as she fixed his arms and spoke one last time. He smiled at her, before walking slowly away. A few feet from his old position, he stopped and turned, one eye closed, with a wide smile on his face. "What are you talking about? I already have an ally, dont I?" Kuro laughed jovially, turning back and waving at her, walking away.

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MeiUchiha #BestInTheWorld

MeiUchiha #BestInTheWorld

Elements : Wind,Fire

Don't Hold Back Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't Hold Back   Don't Hold Back EmptyMon Aug 25, 2014 12:17 am

Endind Word Count:

125 Cp towards Medical

25 Cp Towards Ninjutsu
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